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Welcome to my website one and all!

Feel free to come on in and browse through these pages

I know that you will find a song, a poem, or a video

amongst the 433 and growing that'll be sure to warm your heart,

or maybe even a word to encourage you in your walk with Jesus. 

These songs and poems are for you; to help you to grow in Christ

Please consider supporting this ministry and labour of love.


For now, my songs, poems, and videos are free to download.

Just click on the "free" tab of the song of your choice, leave me your email address,

and then download the song. <):)


If you are not a Christian,

one day soon you may try to contact me, but I will not be able to reply.

This will be because of what is called the Rapture.

God will have taken all of the Christians home to heaven; of which I am one.

If you are "left behind," it will be because you are not a Christian.

As the Bible says, you will need to ask God to forgive you of your sins,

ask Jesus to come into your heart, read the Bible voraciously every day,

then talk to Him and listen to Him every day

for direction in these evil days that you will have to live through.

May the Lord Jesus be with you until we meet, or meet again.   <):)

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